Ukkepuk Research
This research project aims to investigate the offering of live music in the form of family concerts with music educational aspects to children aged 0 to 4. By using specially written and arranged songs that are developmentally appropriate next to instrumental pieces as well as the use of objects, a process of musical meaning making is created through which the children can understand and enjoy the music. In this process, the presence of (grand)parents and/or carers is vital to create a familiar and informal environment to stimulate musical learning.
Paper presentation at the 2014 ECME seminar (ISME) in Brasilia, Brazil.
Poster presentation ECME/ISME2014 Porto Alegre, Brazil.
(Click on the poster for download)
This research project is part of the Research Preschool Music Education group
Bringing Live Music to Young Children:
concerts for children aged 0-4 in the Netherlands